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Category - Green Tea for Health

What is Genmaicha Tea?

About Green Tea, All Blogs, Green Tea for Health

Genmaicha tea originated in Japan. It is a combination of green tea and brown rice which is sometimes referred to as popcorn tea. That is because the rice often ‘pops’ during the roasting process. Historically tea was too…

4 Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea During The Summer

About Green Tea, All Blogs, Green Tea for Health

During the hot summer months, most of us automatically reach for a cold beverage to cool us down, however, you may be surprised to learn that a cup of hot green tea may prove more refreshing. Don’t believe…

Unlocking the health benefits of green tea

All Blogs, Green Tea for Health

Green tea has a long tradition that dates back more than 5,000 years, to the time of imperial China. It’s been known for centuries to have many health benefits, including longer life and reduced occurrence of some chronic…